Your Season of Contending Has Prepared You to Unlock New Sources of Supply!

“These dire straits have been times of preparation The next six months will be crucial. The next two years will be intense years. You will contend for vision over the next six months and face off enemies that are set against your provision. You will contend for supply, and supply will come. Learn new methods of release. Learn how to break curses from supply lines. You will worship Me with new, creative offerings. Do not be legalistic over how your provision comes. The Egyptians provided for My people to leave their land. A raven and widow brought Elijah supply. My Son’s provision came from tax collectors, entrepreneurs, and friends along His journey. Even politician’s wives gave into the redemptive mission I sent Him to accomplish. No matter how the world provides for you, you still have to bring to the altar the portion that is dedicated to Me. That is where you will find sanctification. Once sanctified, these seeds multiply, from generation to generation to generation. You will uncover root sources, and new sources, and worship in ways you’ve never worshipped before.”

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory Of Zion International Ministries