A blessed new biblical year 5785!

We wish all of our readers a blessed and sweet new biblical year 5785 in the cycle of blessing!


CRAZYCHRISTIANS is an apostolic-prophetic ministry in the Kingdom of God that helps to equip, edify, exhort and comfort the church of Jesus. For more detailed information about CRAZYCHRISTIANS, please visit ABOUT.


God has placed a special promise in each month of the year that contains revelation for His people on earth in order to align or position themselves spiritually each year to receive the fullness of God.
Each biblical month is assigned to one of the twelve tribes of Israel according to the monthly system of the annual cycle of redemption. The assignment of the twelve tribes to the months refer to the camp order of the people of Israel from Numbers 2.
The current biblical month is "Tishrei | Ethanim".


The rubric of the prophetic words is a project of CRAZYCHRISTIANS and based on voluntary contributionWe appreciate your generosity by investing in this ministry and thank you that we can continue to provide this service.
Note: CRAZYCHRISTIANS is not an official organization so we can´t send you a tax deductible receipt.
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