The Wind is Shifting & the Power of Travail

Dear Saints,

I hear the Lord saying:

"I AM blowing from the four quarters of heaven (Ezek 37:9; Dan 8:8; Zech 2:6). Whirlwinds will twirl and uproot, and unrest will be created through October. There are commotions in the nations and striving for the 'currents' of change that are occurring. Remember, the winds must be discerned. Some are created from adverse powers in the earth's atmosphere. However, all winds are subject to My power. Learn the winds so I might use you to speak a decree into the confusion that will whirl in your life and the cultures around you. The west wind (Luke 12:54) of heaven will blow from November to February. (Ps 18:10; 135:7). Open the gate to the west and say 'Blow o' west wind of the Spirit!'"

The Power of Travail

The word Travail is linked with the concept of pain and agony when we experience a very narrow place in our lives. This is a year of understanding the process of birthing. That holy thing in you that was conceived in the last season is ready to come forth. Many times when we do not understand our emotions, yet we feel something is stirring in us, our inner being is crying forth for us to get through. There is a tremendous power in travailing prayer because the will of God in Heaven for you is being birthed into the earth.

This type of prayer always outwits the devil because he is so strongly opposed by the new thing God is producing as a result of travail. We, like Hannah, need to be in tune with what God is ready to bring forth in that given hour. That can only be done through intimacy with God and through a willingness to allow Him to express His heart through you.

Let the deep cry within you rise to the surface. Let His Spirit bring heaven's will through you. The narrow place you feel and sense on your insides can manifest fully in your atmosphere.
Read Romans 8.

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion Ministries