The power of breaking out into the new field!

This prophetic word which I received some years ago has two prophetic words from the 26'th of November 2009 and from the 16'th of May 2010 combined. I felt that the Lord is putting now his emphasis on these words. It was re-prophesied at the Holy Place Berlin on the 04'th of December 2015.

First time prophesied on the 26' th of November 2009 and on the 16' th of May 2010, Najoth Berlin- Spandau

“My people, keep attention on the Christmas season this year, because I have set there a colon!
You enter into a time in which you will read my handwriting on the dead stones, saith the Lord!
There are people in the world, who are telling you some true things, which you will bring on the right track!
I'm going to amplify and combine the light of My presence, says the Lord!
There are values that change locations in order to contribute for a greater impact!
There is a value of a currency, that leaves the place to jump into a new currency, saith the Spirit of the Lord!
And you ask: Why? And the LORD saith, I broke out of Mary in a time when the governments searched for a financial security!
I broke out, to call for praise in the center of My Word (see Luke 2.1-3)!
Watch out for the coming period from the 24'th of December and recognize the outbreaks that I will bring about, saith Jesus!
There are many saints who break out of the field of bitterness and sadness through the power of My Spirit and enter into the greasy field of My presence!
These are supernatural outbreaks, says the spirit of the prophet!
It is the eruption of My Word (see Luke 2:6-7)! It is the eruption of My glory (see Matthew 27:51)! It is the outbreak of the impossible to become possible (see Matthew 27:52-53)!
It is the eruption of My Spirit, saith the Lord (see Acts 2:1-4)!
First I'm going with My glory to the field of My sons, who worked for a long time by faith in the depths and longed for My Glory!
They wore throughout the time the weight of the “GREAT ROCK” in their hearts and that's the reason why I first come to My children, saith the Lord (see 1 Samuel 6:13-14;. 2 Samuel 22:2; 1 Peter 2:6-7)!
There is an adverse condition in the lives of the people in the world, that I am going to use to transfer My value into the place of the Kingdom!
Be not afraid of the form of the value, but receive it in order to use it royally for the kingdom of God (see 1 Samuel 6,4-5)!
The sign will be, that you feel like being at a low point!
You are overcoming the temptations of the devil to hear the fresh sound of the outbreak of the fertility of God and to receive His spiritual and material wealth, says the spirit of the prophet (see 1 Samuel 6:7-8.12)!
I bring a great sound of cracking to bless My people of Israel from among the nations, says the Lord (see Isaiah 60:5)!
“People of God, there is the Lamb of God who was led to the slaughter, and didn't open Its mouth (see Isaiah 53:7)!
There is the silence of the shepherd and the bleating of the sheep, because the “GREAT SHEPHERD” is showing Himself to His sheep, saith the spirit of the prophet!
There are sheep and cows, which are bleating in the fields, because the glory of God reveals itself!
You say: "Bleating?!" And the spirit of the prophet says: "Were it not the bleating cows, which drew attention to the ark of the covenant as it came back from captivity to the people of God (see 1 Samuel 6:10-18)?"
See how the Lord is coming with His glory, which brings the wealth of the nations with it!
Do not fear the shaking in the systems, because the Lord reveals the unshakable!
Do not listen to the lying tongues of the world, which ignite the flames of fear!
In the world you have fear, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world, says Jesus (see John 16:33)!
The phase of fear by the enemy is only of short duration, because I bring forth life from My bride who touches the apple of the world with My Glory!
Hear the sound of the contractions of the woman who is bringing forth the fruit of the glory to the world for this time (see John 16:21)!
It is not about one man, but about the movement of My glory which emerges from My bride at this time!
There is Philip and the eunuch!
There is My movement and the increasing glory, saith the Lord (see Acts 8:26-39)!
Learn what it means, that the joy of the LORD is your strength (see Nehemiah 8:10b)!
I restore the glory in Jerusalem again and examine My people, by counting them by name (see Jeremiah 31:38-40; Haggai 2:6-9; Numbers 1:18; Isaiah 49:1)!
There is Joseph! There is Benjamin! There is Dan! There is Ruben! There is Judah! There is Levi! There is Simeon! There is Issachar! There is Zebulun! There is Gad! There is Asher! There is Naphtali!
Behold the twelve gates, and her pearls! Understand and behold the twelve foundations of the apostles of the Lamb (see Revelation 21:2.12-14)!

Amen and Amen.

In His Wisdom,

Daniel Glimm