The Elephant and the Truth

“Little by little I am revealing the things from the right hand of My Father!
I am revealing the wickedness in every part of the earth, says Jeshua!
The people say: “How can this word be used for the glory?” And the Spirit of the LORD says: “I AM WHO I AM! I reveal the wickedness in part through the spirit of My prophets (cf. 1 Corinthians 13:9 i.c.w. 2 Kings 6:12))!
They say, “How can this be?” The society is shaken by the truth that is being revealed!
There is ‘the elephant’ who hears a question and responds to the question and goes in search of the truth!
America, America; there is ‘the elephant’ making a sound! It’s a trampling, a stamping, a marching! It’s not the army! It is ‘the elephant’ that has many ‘elephants’ behind it!
The question that resounds amid the circle of the ‘elephant’ is: “What is this? What is that?”
It is the question that carries the truth, so that My Spirit will lead into the truth and the truth will shine forth publicly, says the LORD (cf. John 16:13-15 i.c.w. 2 Peter 1:19; John 1:5)!
I will do it overnight! I do it overnight, says the LORD, so that in the morning the truth will be revealed!
The hunger of My people for truth and justice amid the nations brings the truth to light!
I AM causing ‘the GREAT’ to vibrate through My Spirit! ‘The elephant’ will vibrate because of My Spirit!
They speak of the outpouring of My Spirit on My people but I will pour it out on the ‘elephant’! And ‘the elephant’ will vibrate because of My truth!
The revelatory truth is like a bright and great light that stings out of My realm into the darkness of the earth and into the darkness of the nations (cf. Genesis 1:2-4 i.c.w. Isaiah 60:2)!
This supernatural sting will cause the protective shadow over the wicked to be pulled away and they will stand in their nakedness (cf. Number 14:9)! For it is the power of My word from which they cannot hide themselves, says the LORD (cf. Hebrews 4:12-13)!
Have not the wicked - the sorcerers - said that this is the finger of God (cf. Exodus 8:14-15a)?!
They cannot protect themselves against it, because it is the finger of God that manifests itself through the revelatory truth of the Word of God!
There is the measure of the silence of the Lamb of God and the sound of the righteous in Christ Jesus, whom the LORD is drawing together to reveal His manifestation of righteousness in the heavens and on earth, says the spirit of the prophet (cf. Revelation 8:1-5)!
I come with My resurrection power!
I arise as the light!
I come forth like a great explosion of light from the centre of darkness!
I shake it away!
I scatter them! This is I, says Yeshua! This is ME (cf. Matthew 4:16 i.c.w. Matthew 28:1-4)!”
Amen and Amen.
In His Wisdom,
Daniel Glimm