The Fire in the Plain and the Time of Miracles

“The time of signs and wonders has already begun!
People are looking at burning ‘candles’ in this time, but I say to you: “Look at the mountains that are breathing fire in this time, because I touch them (cf. Psalm 104:32)! Count them and see from where they spit fire!”
Do not be unsettled by the burning fire, because we are entering the days of fire!
People are looking for the wind and the fire that comes from above! But the LORD says: “It is already burning on the earth (cf. Luke 12:49a)!”
I AM about to reveal MY favour in the midst of the fire that is already burning ‘below’!
It is a fire that wanted to destroy My righteousness, but I am revealing MY favour amid the fire!
It is not about the upper room at this time, but the furnace in the plain, so that the dimension of the ‘camels of fire’ and the ‘fiery bull’ are seen before the kings on earth! This dimension leads to the ‘political outcry’, says the LORD!
Amid the fire in the plain, is the door of God’s favour revealed, through which the people of the LORD pass with the presence of spiritual warfare and continue to conquer the land of promise!
There is the warrior of the LORD amid the fire establishing the favour of God in HIS people, says the spirit of the prophet!
It is the abiding in the power of the Word that goes along with HIS glory!
It is the fiery flaming sword of the LORD surrounded by the presence of the cherubim (cf. Daniel 3:19 i.c.w. Genesis 3:24)!
There are people among MY people who expect things to happen in the order they have learnt, but I am coming at this time in a different order!
First comes the fire and then the wind (cf. Daniel 3:24-25)!
Amid the true fellowship of saints, I will prove Myself strong, says the LORD (cf. Matthew 18:20)!
There is God’s predestined prey for HIS people and HIS favour to be found within the fiery nature of the ‘bull’!
It is not a humanly orchestrated presence of apostasy, but the presence of the Heavenly Father revealed!
This is about HIS zeal, says the Spirit of the prophet (cf. Song of Songs 8:6b-c)!”
Amen and Amen.
In His Wisdom,
Daniel Glimm