The Crack in the Wall and the Door

“There is the circumstance of standstill, which suddenly changes into forward motion!
It seems as if there would be no acceleration phase and then it feels like as if you would have changed directly from zero to hundred, says the spirit of the prophet!
Where you saw ‘red light’ before, suddenly ‘green light’ appears!
You are entering a new phase of understanding, which makes you comprehend the connections in the past from God’s perspective, in order to act in faith!
There is a crack in the wall that is in front of you and the Lord instructs you to stretch out your hand and reach into the ‘deep’! As you will reach into the ‘deep’, an opportunity opens up to you and leading you into a new season of provision in Christ Jesus (cf. Ezekiel 8:7-8 i.c.w. John 10:9)!
You touch healing that opens the way to a new field, says the spirit of the prophet (cf. Isaiah 53:5 i.c.w. John 20:25,27)!
Do not be afraid of the presence of ‘the serpent’ in its various facets of wickedness, because it is already defeated in Christ Jesus (cf. Colossians 2:14-15)!
The victory won from the adverse circumstance of your past makes you confident in childlike faith to govern in Christ Jesus at this time (cf. Matthew 18:3 i.c.w. Isaiah 11:8)!
Don’t let it disturb you when it looks like evil is taking over! The reason for this is because in Christ Jesus you become active in a greater spiritual maturity in the face of darkness, says the spirit of the prophet!
My people are building on the freedom of the Spirit as a foundation to perform in the government of the Spirit the plan of the Heavenly Father in this age and the age to come, says the spirit of the prophet (cf. Exodus 4:2-4)!”
Amen und Amen.
In His Wisdom,
Daniel Glimm