The Shift of Wickedness

“There is the presence of wickedness, which wants to rise above the God-set boundaries!
But the LORD speaks: ‘I have sent the angel of My presence to put wickedness in its place and to push it back to its place, so that the weight of the measure of its wickedness, which it has produced in one cycle of time, falls back upon it and darkens its own path!’
The pushing back initiated by God is accompanied by a great bang similar to the bang of breaking through a sound barrier (cf. Zechariah 5:5-8)!
When this will happen, there is a backsliding for all those who are in the ‘body of wickedness’!
At that moment, the Bride of the Lamb – the Ekklēsia on earth is called to walk in the supernatural discernment of times like the tribe of Issachar and not to be passive, but to actively go forward in the Spirit in the appointed time of God as well as to act in faith, says the spirit of the Prophet (cf. Zechariah 5:9 i.c.w. Jeremiah 8:7a; 1 Chronicles 12:32)!
It is about the utterance of revelatory truth, which the Holy Spirit emphasizes from the Word of God at the respective moment, so that it is enacted by the Ekklēsia in the realm between earth and heaven!
As a result, the wickedness is disoriented for a certain time and is shifted with the burden of its wickedness to the predetermined place of God!
There it will meet two faces of darkness in the form of a ‘lion’! This presence of the two lion faces includes a fear based on lies! The ‘body of wickedness’ will itself fall into lies and fear (cf. Proverbs 26:27 i.c.w. Ecclesiastes 10:8)!
The displacement of wickedness involves its transfer to the land of wickedness to connect its ‘body’ with the territory of wickedness so that righteous judgment with strong impact from God will occur (cf. Zechariah 5:10-11)!
By God’s intervention, wickedness is removed from the place where the righteous live in the center of God’s peace, because it is the place where the ‘salt’ hasn’t become insipid, but burns like fire, says he spirit of the prophet (cf. Mark 9:49-50)!
At the same time, God’s call resounds to the still undecided righteous to depart from the midst of wickedness (cf. Revelation 18:4)!
The spiritual battle that is currently raging is a battle of ‘women’, because the Bride of the Lamb is facing the harlot of Babylon and her wickedness, says the spirit of the prophet!
It is the time when the different ‘wings of birds’ play a significant role, with which the Ekklēsia is equipped at certain phases of time!

This is about getting active in faith in a certain spiritual facet, so that the wind of the Spirit comes under the spread wings to bring the Ekklēsia from one place to another by His movement (cf. Zechariah 5:9a; Revelation 12:14a i.c.w. John 3:8)!
This spiritual activity of the Ekklēsia or the Lamb’s wife brings forth a new kind of good news! This is, the decree of triumph, which has its origin in the victory of Christ on the cross of Golgotha!
This message goes hand in hand with the quality of Jesus’ last breath on the cross, which has already conquered the evil one (cf. John 19:30b i.c.w. Psalm 68:11-14; Isaiah 11:4; 2 Thessalonians 2:8b)!”
Amen and Amen.
In His Wisdom,
Daniel Glimm