Prophesied on the 27`th of October 2008, Najoth Berlin-Spandau
“Estonia! Estonia! Estonia! There is a groaning! There is a birthing! I am releasing My birth pangs in the chambers of My labor room, says the Lord! You asked for revival! You asked for repentance and I am coming straight and strong!
There is a wave of fire coming out of Russia! You are asking: “Out of Russia?” Yes, I set a point of My wind of fire to blow out of Russia to breathe upon you and reactivate the wells of revival in you! The earth is quaking! The earth is groaning to bring forth the holy sound of repentance! There is a mighty power forming in the atmosphere over you! It is the power to intercede not only for your nation but for My Kingdom, says the Spirit of God!
Where are the watchmen? Where are the prophets? Arise! Arise! Arise and shine with the prophetic light in your hand, Bride of Estonia! Strategic! Strategic! Strategic for whole Europe, says the Lord!
There are five horses and one chariot! There are five horses guided by my presence, says Jesus! I am the rider on the chariot and I am using the movements of my Spirit to come! I am coming! I am coming! I am coming!
I appear from the east to circulate to the north and then turn to the south of Europe!
Europe! Europe! United Europe I am coming on My winds, says the Lord Most High! Finland! Finland! Finland, I am coming to you from the spring-board of Estonia! A mighty powerful wind! A mighty powerful rushing wind full of my covenant blessings! Covenant! Covenant! The way of my movement will be called by my prophets "The Three Stairs"! East! North! South! Be ready! Be ready, because I am springing forth! Look and watch! Look and see! The spring-time! The spring-time! I am doing a mighty thing during the spring-time!”
Amen and Amen.
Daniel Glimm