Watch for the Heavens to Open - There is a Place Called New!


This past week the Lord said the following: "For there is a place in the heavens that is waiting for your singing. That place has not yet heard your voices come forth. I AM waiting for you to fill that place in the heavens with new sounds. There are still void places in the heavens that pertain to you. Under those places, the enemy rules from an illegal throne. Let My sound in you come up and fill the heavens above you. Then the land you walk on will rejoice. You, the heavens, and the land will be ONE. Blessings that you have been waiting upon will pour into your atmosphere. You will say, 'I have waited, but now I SEE'!

Let your song (sound) be heard. Let the void be filled. My purposes in you will not be complete until you lend your voice. My ears are listening for your voice. Lend ME your voice. There is a song that only you can sing. This is a void that only you can fill through Me arising in you. Let Me arise and your enemies be scattered. Let ME arise and every void be filled. Let Me arise and every curse break. I have gone to prepare a place for you. Your songs of thanksgiving will cause that place which has seemed to be dark from pain and trial to now be filled with glory. Give Me a thank offering. In that thank offering, the place that I have prepared for you will be called 'Peace' in days ahead.

You have been walking on a tightrope! At times you've said, 'Lord, I lost my balance.' Although you have fallen, in falling you grabbed hold. You have always climbed back up in this past season, and you kept walking. But now the rope is tighter and the way is more narrow. The only way you can make it through the last section of this season and fully enter into the new land is to dance your way across. When you make it across, I will put fire and glass in your feet and you will cut the enemy into pieces.

Many of you question if you have crossed over. You keep looking back and evaluating things with the mindset from the side of Jordan from whence you came. You HAVE crossed over, so look with different eyes! Look and evaluate what is ahead by what I have said. Do not stop the process and forward movement that I have for you. You have been lagging back and visiting the other side from where you came. You cross over and cross back, and cross over and cross back again because you haven't seen that I have help that I can send to keep you going. You look ahead and then say, 'May I return?' But I have a Host to bring you through and into the place to establish you.

Go across! Go across! Go across! And stay across! There is a Host waiting to usher you into victory.

Look NOT BACK at your last relationships, but look into the future at the new relationships that I will bring to establish you in a new way. Look not back at mistakes, but look into the future at the place of victory I have already prepared for you. Look not back at the supply that was there in the last season . a different supply awaits!"

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion Ministries