Prophesied on the 05`th of July 2010, Najoth Berlin- Spandau
“There is the command of God and the longing cry of the Bride, which speak: „Show yourself!“
There are the eyes of God, that seeing you walking on the prophetic heights and recognizing the measure of the glory of Jesus in your heart to captivate you and pull you nearer!
There is the cross of Jesus and His dedication, that captivates you to provoke you as a living sacrifice and to be a pleasant smell for God, says the spirit of the prophet (see Genesis 22:13-14; Romans 12:1)!
It is the time, where God shows Himself in front of your eyes and where you recognize Him!
There is the place, at which you recognize and understand the double inheritance of Abraham in your life!
There are the stars in heaven and the sand at the shore!
There is the spiritual inheritance and the physical inheritance in your life (see Genesis 22:17)!
It is the measure of your made steps on your path of faith, that gives you understanding about the principle of the twofold inheritance and let you experience it in this time, says the spirit of the prophet!
Understand the horns, that I allowed to grow over a long period in your life, so that you appear in authority and carry in humility My anointing and glory!
They are not the prideful horns!
Don` t be afraid, if I stop you suddenly, because I want to release the pleasant fragrance from you to reveal My glory, says the Lord!“
Amen and Amen.
In His appointed measure of Glory,
Daniel Glimm
The Measure of His Glory in You is Setting You Captive!
- Daniel Glimm