Understand the Shaking! Your Limb Will Remain Steady!

Dear Friends and Prayer Watchman:

The Shaking!

The world was awakened this morning of the news of an 8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan. The resulting tsunami wave is now approaching other nations in the Pacific, including Hawaii, and the West Coast of America. The Lord continues to focus us on "The Ring of Fire", the Pacific Region where 90%+ of all earthquakes in the Earth occur.

This year, we have done several studies on "shaking" and "quaking." I was reviewing those studies and prophecies the past week. Just last Friday, March 4, 2011, I prophesied the following: "Under the foundation of the floor treasures have been hidden.  I'm going to shake the old foundation until the treasure comes to the top." 

At the end of 2010, we began to prophesy about rioting. While we were meeting that Friday (December 31, 2010), LeAnn Squier and John Dickson began to sing prophetically:

We'll be shaking loose.
What's the use in hesitating?
Just shake it loose.
Everything that can be shaken will be shaken.
What's the point in hesitating?
Shake it loose, shake it loose.
Shake it and see what remains standing.
You might as well shake it and see what happens.
Shake it and see if it stands.
Shake it down to the root.
Shake it to the east. Shake it to the west.
Shake it to the north. Shake it to the south.

In the Bible, shaking refers to fear and trembling. One of the relationships that we are studying is when the heavens are rent and change, the earth shakes. After LeAnn and John sang, I began to prophesy, "I am returning you to a root that has a corroded piece on it. I'm going to shake the root and bring forth new fruit. Denver will be surprised at how it shakes. St. Louis will be surprised how it quakes. I say it's OK; let it shake, for I have righteousness that has been covered over that will be found. What you've heard is just the beginning. Go forth into the place that you are - Malaysia, Indonesia, and Asia will shake.

India, New Delhi, and Pakistan will quake. In all of the nations shaking will begin and the saying will be, 'If righteousness is buried, it will now be shaken and seen.'"

John Dickson began to prophesy, "I see boulders that have never been moved for thousands of years. They are beginning to shake and crack. I hear a rumbling in the heavens. I feel a rumbling in the earth. Already the beat has changed. LeAnn continued singing:

What have we to fear? What have we to dread?
There are things that God is going to do that we haven't even seen yet.
Everything that can be shaken will be shaken.
But we are of a Kingdom that cannot be shaken.
Things are going to rumble, things are going to move.
Boulders are going to tumble and find a new groove.
But we are in a Kingdom that cannot be shaken.
We're looking for the righteous root.
We're looking for the righteous seed of faith deep down in the ground.
We're looking for the righteous root that bears fruit.
We're digging deep and watching the cracks form in the ground.
That's just okay, let it shake.
I see the righteous root starting to abound.

Your Limb Will Remain Steady!!!

As I already mentioned, our Firstfruits Gathering last Friday night was very powerful. Below is a great picture that Robert Heidler developed to illustrate the intensity of the season we are in. I shared this last Sunday. The storms! The approaching waves of adversity!

Diana Lookabaugh, who serves as Apostolic Pastor over our Women's Houses of Zion, wrote the following:

Last week was very challenging, especially Thurs and Fri and Sat! Then in the night, at 3 AM on Sunday the Lord ministered such amazing peace and comfort into my spirit, soul and body... then completed the work at church! On Friday night you shared, "Your limb will remain steady and buoyant as you float in faith! Whatever plan the enemy has devised against you this month will fail!" A weapon was formed but it did not and shall not prosper!  I am thankful to be who He has made and called me to be!  And we are advancing!"

The Spirit of the Lord moved last Friday night, and there was a powerful stream of prophetic revelation. Here is a KEY PROPHECY!

"See Me smile, for you are seeing your enemies one way and I am seeing your enemies another way. The enemy has convinced you that you are one thing, and the enemy has convinced that you cannot win in this hour. See yourself the way I see you! See Me smile at your enemy as I dawn upon you of who you are.

"Fear came in the night to even wrap your heart tight. But I am cutting you loose and your heart will swell with a joy that you've never felt before. The joy will open your eyes to the strength of the identity that I created you for. The enemy has held the light and held the switch to that which will make you bright. Your sheen has not been seen. But now the sheen in you will be seen brightly. I am going to put you and place you in teams this hour. I will harness you together. You will be a bright force that removes the dead and brings forth the life. Your sheen will heal and work miracles in the land. That which the enemy held tight, I am now unlocking. Watch Me cause the brightness of this day to dawn on you. Watch the contract fall in place. Watch Me harness you and put you and synergize your strength together. Watch the enemy say, 'That is a people that I should have never let go of.' This is a day that the switch of the light will now come on again.

"I am the essence of what you are looking for. For you look here and you look there and you look to see what you can see. But in this season and this hour if you will open wide your eyesm then you will be able to see into Me. That is the light that you desire. I am the essence of what you are looking for."

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion Ministries